Saturday, February 11, 2006


Sexual Assault And Battery

Sexual assault and battery is any uninvited or unwelcome touching or talking about the private parts of your body. Obscene phone calls, lewd gestures and remarks and indecent exposure are indirect assaults. They're usually done for the "thrill" the offender gets from your reaction, whether it is only surprise or hysteria. Sometime it is impossible for you to do anything to prevent coming in contact with someone who gets his kicks this way, but what you can do is keep your cool. No reaction. No visible upset. This is the best way to prevent this type of incident from escalating into something even more undesirable. All sexual assault and battery are alarming and repulsive, but rape and incest are the most frightening and have the severest consequences for the victim.

There are 2 categories of sexual assault and battery: rape and indecent assault and battery.
Rape: Occurs when the offender has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse with a person against his or her will, causing submission by force. Rape also occurs if the victim is unable to give consent because he or she is unconscious. Rape and attempted rape are punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Indecent assault and battery: Occurs when the offender has intentional physical contact of a sexual nature with the victim against the victim's consent. Indecent assault and battery may be punished by up to 5 years in prison.

The Sexual Assault And Battery Prevention and Crisis Services gives technical assistance to sexual assault programs throughout the State. This program certifies sexual assault nurse examiners and provides training for volunteers in sexual assault programs. The goal of the Sexual Assault And Battery Unit is to provide multi-faceted services to victims of crime during a difficult, confusing and sometimes overwhelming experience. When a crime is reported, local police will work with the District Attorney's Office to investigate allegations of sexual assault, utilizing the State Police as needed. The Assistant District Attorneys work with Victim/Witness Advocates to provide consistent contact with victims through the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases.


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